Making the Most of Life After Work

Most working folks go through the daily grind week after week, counting down the years to retirement.

But before you get too excited about walking away from your 9 to 5, consider the alternative lifestyle that comes with not going to work.

Whether your working years are winding down or already behind you, many retirees will tell you the grass is almost always greener. With that in mind, there are two important ways to prepare yourself for retirement: (1) financially, and (2) finding something to do once your “spare time” becomes all the time.

When it comes to the retirement income planning aspect of retirement, we’ve got your back. In fact, if your post-retirement plans involve travel, an entrepreneurial venture or another expensive consideration, we may be able to help you there, too.

[CLICK HERE to read the article, “Rethinking Work,” at The New York Times, Aug. 28, 2015.]

For some, retirement may come sooner than expected. If you’re in a good spot financially, this may not be too detrimental, but keep in mind you lose more than just income once you stop working. Health insurance goes out the door, and if you have to begin Social Security early your checks will be smaller as well.

In the U.S. today, the average retirement age is about 61 years, but a lot of people don’t have much choice in the matter. Some people are forced out of their job and unable to find a new one, while others are forced to retire due to health issues or caregiving responsibilities. One study revealed that almost half of workers retire earlier than planned.

[CLICK HERE to read the article, “Is The Risk of Forced Retirement Rising? How To Enter Retirement On Your Own Terms,” at Forbes, March 5, 2014.]

[CLICK HERE to read the article, “More Than 1 Million Baby Boomers Are Secretly Unemployed,” at AOL Jobs, May 3, 2013.]

Meanwhile, there’s one place that has trouble getting its workers to retire: College campuses. Professors who have tenure can keep working as long as they are able, and since many are driven by the intellectual questions posed in academia, they can’t imagine doing anything else.

A recent survey found that 72 percent of university and college faculty plan to work beyond age 65. Sixty percent say they’ll work past 70, and 15 percent of them plan to stay until they’re 80.

[CLICK HERE to read the article, “On Campus, Older Faculty Keep on Keepin’ On,” at NPR, Oct. 9, 2015.]

Whether you retire early or late, unexpectedly or on your own terms, everyone wants to be assured that when their working years are over, they’ll have plenty of income waiting for them. As your financial professional, that’s what we’re here for. If you ever have questions about your financial situation, give us a call.

We are an independent firm helping individuals create retirement strategies using a variety of insurance products to custom suit their needs and objectives.

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